Friday, 7 October 2016

Pumpkin Soup in a Pumpkin!

When I was say 10, a friend of my mother's made pumpkins soup in a pumpkin for us one autumn. I don't remember what it tastes like or whether I liked it or not, but I  do remember the soup being in a pumpkin. It was exciting to have something different when I was that age! I've had this idea to make soup in a pumpkin for years but never got around to it for some reason... But I finally did it and I'm glad! It turned out yummy.

Here's the recipe:

- 1 pumpkin
- 2 medium sized potatoes
- 1 onion
- 1-1,5 l water
- 1-2 bullion cubes
- nutmeg, salt and pepper
- 200 ml cooking cream/coconut cream (optional)

- Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C

- Scoop out most of the pumpkin's flesh, make sure not to puncture the pumpkin shell!

- Save the seeds for later

- In a skillet on medium heat add oil (I had garlic flavoured oil, instructions on that later!), heat up and add the diced onion

- Add the pumpkin flesh, diced potatoes and water

- Season and let simmer until the potatoes are cooked

- While the soup is cooking, wash and dry the seeds, add some oil, salt and pepper and place in the oven until the soup is ready

- Bend the soup up into a creamy puree 

- I also added cooking cream to make it creamier. If the soup is too liquid-y, use your favourite thickener

- Take out the seeds and let cool

- Pour the soup in the pumpkin (optional)

- Serve with the pumpkin seeds and a slice of baguette or dinner rolls


Love Rosie <3

P.S. If I'd been clever, I'd have made a Jack-O'-Lantern out of the remains ;)

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