Thursday, 1 September 2016

Crisp Autumn Hike in Lapland

The western capercaillie we encountered

This weekend we went up north. I mean further up north. As a surprise for my husband I arranged a weekend in the Pyhä-Luosto National Park with a friend and her fiance. We went on a hike around one of the "mountains". It took us quite a few hours because we stopped to take pictures and took it easy. The 18 km we hiked was surprisingly easy, taking into account my lack of hike experience.

I loved the hike, even though I'm not an outdoorsy person. The crisp autumn air and the beautiful colours; the sound of silence and babble of the rivers in the forest; the smell of the musky ground... I could go on! 

Raindrops in a puddle

"Beard lichen"

The others grilling sausages

On the hike we encountered a wood grouse, or a western capercaillie. I've never seen one up close and this one chased me! I got a little bit of it on video:

We also visited the Amethyst Mine and had a go at digging up our own amethysts. My husband found three and got to keep them all (the guide was in a generous mood)!

My husband and his amethysts
Looking smug ;)

The amethysts close up

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